Dead Sea Spotlight: The Power of Dead Sea Mineral rich Salt.
When you go to the beach and swim in ocean water, do you wonder why your skin usually feels dry following that experience?
This drying effect is caused by a few things- the biggest culprits being harmful sun rays and high concentrations of regular salt (sodium chloride) in the water. The longer you stay at the beach, the more these factors work together to dehydrate the skin and pull the moisture out from your body.
On average, sea water contains approximately 3.5% salt content – whereas the mineral-rich Dead Sea Waters contain a remarkable 32%! Why then, does ocean water have a drying effect on the skin, while the Dead Sea is globally known for its moisturising and skin nourishing properties?
First, the Dead Sea region is located at the lowest point on earth, therefore the sun has less UV damaging and drying properties.
Secondly, although the water in the Dead Sea contains sodium, it is also rich in other essential minerals, such as magnesium, calcium, and potassium that act as an equaliser to the salt (sodium chloride). These minerals restore moisture thanks to their hygroscopic properties, enhancing intercellular water capacity and drawing moisture to the skin tissue from within. Many people who have bathed in the saline Dead water, when coming out of the water felt that their skin became smooth “like a baby’s skin." Indeed there are many aspects to the Dead Sea that give it the so many therapeutic and healing properties: the Dead Sea is great for the skin and joints as well as calming for the nervous system.
Dead Sea Salt to the Rescue
Imagine if you could harness the power of the elements without having to bathe every day in the actual Dead Sea. After several years of research, AHAVA scientists were been able to do just this.
One independent study conducted by Dermatest Laboratories found that adding just 1% of AHAVA's Dead Sea water to a product, yielded an improvement of over 40% in skin smoothness and wrinkle-depth reduction. Thus, the OsmoterTM was born, an exclusive Dead Sea and organically certified complex that powers all our AHAVA products.
Not only are users able to see an instant change in the hydration levels of their skin, they also experience a delay in their skin's aging process, visibly noticing a return to vitality and a more even tone within a matter of several weeks.
But there's really nothing like a soak with Dead Sea salts. This practice was once relegated to high-end spas and expensive skin clinics, but now you can enjoy a good Dead Sea bath soak in your own home using one of our bath salts.
Dead Sea salt baths provide a medium for deep relaxation, as well as a feast of minerals for the skin. Dead Sea Salts contain all the minerals of the Dead Sea. Soaking in a bath with Dead Sea Salt is a powerful remedy for healthy skin.
AHAVA 'Love' Tip: For a truly relaxing at-home experience, try creating your own Dead Sea salt bath with AHAVA's Natural Bath Salts and Dead Sea Mud. Take a 250gm packet of Dead Sea Salts and add ½ half a packet of Dead Sea Mud and soak for up to an hour just before bedtime.