Why Is Blue Light Harmful For Your Skin?
Whether we’re shielding our skin from the sun or protecting it from the ageing effects of gravity, sometimes it feels like our complexion is under attack from all sides.
And with the increasing adoption of technology, we can add one more aggressor to the list: blue light.
Blue light comes at us from multiple sources - not only does blue light come from the sun but also the screen of your cell phone, computer, flat-screen TV and the majority of light bulbs.
What Is Blue Light?
Blue light is simply light on the blue end of the visible light spectrum, falling within the wavelength of 400 to 450 nanometers. This is a short wavelength which has a higher energy output and unfortunately, can cause greater damage. As already mentioned, blue light is not only found in sunlight but just as importantly, it also emits from the electronic devices now integrated into most people’s daily lives.
Why Is Blue Light Harmful For Your Skin?
Unlike other environmental stressors for the skin - such as sunlight and UV rays - there’s no heat, no burn. However, don’t let the lack of immediate effects fool you. Dr. Shari Marchbein, a dermatologist and clinical assistant professor at New York University, tells Allure magazine: “Visible light, especially in the blue wavelength, has become a hot topic in skin care, as there is mounting evidence that supports its contribution to photo-ageing, including wrinkles, worsening skin laxity, and hyperpigmentation.”
So, if we know that blue light is a danger to our skin, how does it actually cause harm and what are the effects? In summary, the skin responds by immediately protecting itself with inflammation which gives signs of swelling and redness … this sets off a chain of other events that presents symptoms in the skin such as hyperpigmentation and a quicker breakdown of collagen and elastin.
How to protect your skin:
Skin care experts look for ingredients that help block the skin's blue light receptor cells. A decrease in activity in these blue light receptors lowers free radical damage and boosts collagen and elastin production in the skin.
The following skin care products are great blue light protectors:
For more information and guidance on best skincare for your skin type, please feel free to email hello@absoluteskin.com.au or call us on 1300 334 683.
Source: Eminence Organics